- StringAccessor.cat(*others, sep='')[source]#
Concatenate strings elementwise in the DataArray with other strings.
The other strings can either be string scalars or other array-like. Dimensions are automatically broadcast together.
An optional separator sep can also be specified. If sep is array-like, it is broadcast against the array and applied elementwise.
- Parameters:
*others (
or array-like ofstr
) – Strings or array-like of strings to concatenate elementwise with the current DataArray.sep (
or array-like ofstr
, default:""
) – Separator to use between strings. It is broadcast in the same way as the other input strings. If array-like, its dimensions will be placed at the end of the output array dimensions.
- Returns:
concatenated (
same type as values
Create a string array
>>> myarray = xr.DataArray( ... ["11111", "4"], ... dims=["X"], ... )
Create some arrays to concatenate with it
>>> values_1 = xr.DataArray( ... ["a", "bb", "cccc"], ... dims=["Y"], ... ) >>> values_2 = np.array(3.4) >>> values_3 = "" >>> values_4 = np.array("test", dtype=np.str_)
Determine the separator to use
>>> seps = xr.DataArray( ... [" ", ", "], ... dims=["ZZ"], ... )
Concatenate the arrays using the separator
>>> myarray.str.cat(values_1, values_2, values_3, values_4, sep=seps) <xarray.DataArray (X: 2, Y: 3, ZZ: 2)> Size: 1kB array([[['11111 a 3.4 test', '11111, a, 3.4, , test'], ['11111 bb 3.4 test', '11111, bb, 3.4, , test'], ['11111 cccc 3.4 test', '11111, cccc, 3.4, , test']], [['4 a 3.4 test', '4, a, 3.4, , test'], ['4 bb 3.4 test', '4, bb, 3.4, , test'], ['4 cccc 3.4 test', '4, cccc, 3.4, , test']]], dtype='<U24') Dimensions without coordinates: X, Y, ZZ
See also