
xarray.ufuncs.fix = <xarray.ufuncs._UFuncDispatcher object>

xarray specific variant of numpy.fix. Handles xarray.Dataset, xarray.DataArray, xarray.Variable, numpy.ndarray and dask.array.Array objects with automatic dispatching.

Documentation from numpy:

Round to nearest integer towards zero.

Round an array of floats element-wise to nearest integer towards zero. The rounded values are returned as floats.

  • x (array_like) – An array of floats to be rounded

  • out (ndarray, optional) – A location into which the result is stored. If provided, it must have a shape that the input broadcasts to. If not provided or None, a freshly-allocated array is returned.


out (ndarray of floats) – A float array with the same dimensions as the input. If second argument is not supplied then a float array is returned with the rounded values.

If a second argument is supplied the result is stored there. The return value out is then a reference to that array.

See also

trunc, floor, ceil


Round to given number of decimals


>>> np.fix(3.14)
>>> np.fix(3)
>>> np.fix([2.1, 2.9, -2.1, -2.9])
array([ 2.,  2., -2., -2.])