.. currentmodule:: xarray Working with numpy-like arrays ============================== .. warning:: This feature should be considered experimental. Please report any bug you may find on xarray’s github repository. NumPy-like arrays (:term:`duck array`) extend the :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` with additional features, like propagating physical units or a different layout in memory. :py:class:`DataArray` and :py:class:`Dataset` objects can wrap these duck arrays, as long as they satisfy certain conditions (see :ref:`internals.duck_arrays`). .. note:: For ``dask`` support see :ref:`dask`. Missing features ---------------- Most of the API does support :term:`duck array` objects, but there are a few areas where the code will still cast to ``numpy`` arrays: - dimension coordinates, and thus all indexing operations: * :py:meth:`Dataset.sel` and :py:meth:`DataArray.sel` * :py:meth:`Dataset.loc` and :py:meth:`DataArray.loc` * :py:meth:`Dataset.drop_sel` and :py:meth:`DataArray.drop_sel` * :py:meth:`Dataset.reindex`, :py:meth:`Dataset.reindex_like`, :py:meth:`DataArray.reindex` and :py:meth:`DataArray.reindex_like`: duck arrays in data variables and non-dimension coordinates won't be casted - functions and methods that depend on external libraries or features of ``numpy`` not covered by ``__array_function__`` / ``__array_ufunc__``: * :py:meth:`Dataset.ffill` and :py:meth:`DataArray.ffill` (uses ``bottleneck``) * :py:meth:`Dataset.bfill` and :py:meth:`DataArray.bfill` (uses ``bottleneck``) * :py:meth:`Dataset.interp`, :py:meth:`Dataset.interp_like`, :py:meth:`DataArray.interp` and :py:meth:`DataArray.interp_like` (uses ``scipy``): duck arrays in data variables and non-dimension coordinates will be casted in addition to not supporting duck arrays in dimension coordinates * :py:meth:`Dataset.rolling` and :py:meth:`DataArray.rolling` (requires ``numpy>=1.20``) * :py:meth:`Dataset.rolling_exp` and :py:meth:`DataArray.rolling_exp` (uses ``numbagg``) * :py:meth:`Dataset.interpolate_na` and :py:meth:`DataArray.interpolate_na` (uses :py:class:`numpy.vectorize`) * :py:func:`apply_ufunc` with ``vectorize=True`` (uses :py:class:`numpy.vectorize`) - incompatibilities between different :term:`duck array` libraries: * :py:meth:`Dataset.chunk` and :py:meth:`DataArray.chunk`: this fails if the data was not already chunked and the :term:`duck array` (e.g. a ``pint`` quantity) should wrap the new ``dask`` array; changing the chunk sizes works. Extensions using duck arrays ---------------------------- Here's a list of libraries extending ``xarray`` to make working with wrapped duck arrays easier: - `pint-xarray `_