Extending xarray ================ .. ipython:: python :suppress: import xarray as xr Xarray is designed as a general purpose library, and hence tries to avoid including overly domain specific functionality. But inevitably, the need for more domain specific logic arises. One standard solution to this problem is to subclass Dataset and/or DataArray to add domain specific functionality. However, inheritance is not very robust. It's easy to inadvertently use internal APIs when subclassing, which means that your code may break when xarray upgrades. Furthermore, many builtin methods will only return native xarray objects. The standard advice is to use `composition over inheritance`__, but reimplementing an API as large as xarray's on your own objects can be an onerous task, even if most methods are only forwarding to xarray implementations. __ https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/706 If you simply want the ability to call a function with the syntax of a method call, then the builtin :py:meth:`~xarray.DataArray.pipe` method (copied from pandas) may suffice. To resolve this issue for more complex cases, xarray has the :py:func:`~xarray.register_dataset_accessor` and :py:func:`~xarray.register_dataarray_accessor` decorators for adding custom "accessors" on xarray objects. Here's how you might use these decorators to write a custom "geo" accessor implementing a geography specific extension to xarray: .. literalinclude:: ../examples/_code/accessor_example.py In general, the only restriction on the accessor class is that the ``__init__`` method must have a single parameter: the ``Dataset`` or ``DataArray`` object it is supposed to work on. This achieves the same result as if the ``Dataset`` class had a cached property defined that returns an instance of your class: .. code-block:: python class Dataset: ... @property def geo(self): return GeoAccessor(self) However, using the register accessor decorators is preferable to simply adding your own ad-hoc property (i.e., ``Dataset.geo = property(...)``), for several reasons: 1. It ensures that the name of your property does not accidentally conflict with any other attributes or methods (including other accessors). 2. Instances of accessor object will be cached on the xarray object that creates them. This means you can save state on them (e.g., to cache computed properties). 3. Using an accessor provides an implicit namespace for your custom functionality that clearly identifies it as separate from built-in xarray methods. .. note:: Accessors are created once per DataArray and Dataset instance. New instances, like those created from arithmetic operations or when accessing a DataArray from a Dataset (ex. ``ds[var_name]``), will have new accessors created. Back in an interactive IPython session, we can use these properties: .. ipython:: python :suppress: exec(open("examples/_code/accessor_example.py").read()) .. ipython:: python ds = xr.Dataset({"longitude": np.linspace(0, 10), "latitude": np.linspace(0, 20)}) ds.geo.center ds.geo.plot() The intent here is that libraries that extend xarray could add such an accessor to implement subclass specific functionality rather than using actual subclasses or patching in a large number of domain specific methods. For further reading on ways to write new accessors and the philosophy behind the approach, see :issue:`1080`. To help users keep things straight, please `let us know `_ if you plan to write a new accessor for an open source library. In the future, we will maintain a list of accessors and the libraries that implement them on this page. To make documenting accessors with ``sphinx`` and ``sphinx.ext.autosummary`` easier, you can use `sphinx-autosummary-accessors`_. .. _sphinx-autosummary-accessors: https://sphinx-autosummary-accessors.readthedocs.io/