.. currentmodule:: xarray .. _options: Configuration ============= Xarray offers a small number of configuration options through :py:func:`set_options`. With these, you can 1. Control the ``repr``: - ``display_expand_attrs`` - ``display_expand_coords`` - ``display_expand_data`` - ``display_expand_data_vars`` - ``display_max_rows`` - ``display_style`` 2. Control behaviour during operations: ``arithmetic_join``, ``keep_attrs``, ``use_bottleneck``. 3. Control colormaps for plots:``cmap_divergent``, ``cmap_sequential``. 4. Aspects of file reading: ``file_cache_maxsize``, ``warn_on_unclosed_files``. You can set these options either globally :: xr.set_options(arithmetic_join="exact") or locally as a context manager: :: with xr.set_options(arithmetic_join="exact"): # do operation here pass