
xarray.zeros_like(other, dtype=None)[source]#

Return a new object of zeros with the same shape and type as a given dataarray or dataset.

  • other (DataArray, Dataset or Variable) – The reference object. The output will have the same dimensions and coordinates as this object.

  • dtype (dtype, optional) – dtype of the new array. If omitted, it defaults to other.dtype.


out (DataArray, Dataset or Variable) – New object of zeros with the same shape and type as other.


>>> x = xr.DataArray(
...     np.arange(6).reshape(2, 3),
...     dims=["lat", "lon"],
...     coords={"lat": [1, 2], "lon": [0, 1, 2]},
... )
>>> x
<xarray.DataArray (lat: 2, lon: 3)>
array([[0, 1, 2],
       [3, 4, 5]])
  * lat      (lat) int64 1 2
  * lon      (lon) int64 0 1 2
>>> xr.zeros_like(x)
<xarray.DataArray (lat: 2, lon: 3)>
array([[0, 0, 0],
       [0, 0, 0]])
  * lat      (lat) int64 1 2
  * lon      (lon) int64 0 1 2
>>> xr.zeros_like(x, dtype=float)
<xarray.DataArray (lat: 2, lon: 3)>
array([[0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0.]])
  * lat      (lat) int64 1 2
  * lon      (lon) int64 0 1 2

See also

ones_like, full_like