

Returns a Dataset with variables that match specific conditions.

Can pass in key=value or key=callable. A Dataset is returned containing only the variables for which all the filter tests pass. These tests are either key=value for which the attribute key has the exact value value or the callable passed into key=callable returns True. The callable will be passed a single value, either the value of the attribute key or None if the DataArray does not have an attribute with the name key.




Attribute name.

valuecallable or obj

If value is a callable, it should return a boolean in the form of bool = func(attr) where attr is da.attrs[key]. Otherwise, value will be compared to the each DataArray’s attrs[key].


new (Dataset) – New dataset with variables filtered by attribute.


>>> # Create an example dataset:
>>> temp = 15 + 8 * np.random.randn(2, 2, 3)
>>> precip = 10 * np.random.rand(2, 2, 3)
>>> lon = [[-99.83, -99.32], [-99.79, -99.23]]
>>> lat = [[42.25, 42.21], [42.63, 42.59]]
>>> dims = ["x", "y", "time"]
>>> temp_attr = dict(standard_name="air_potential_temperature")
>>> precip_attr = dict(standard_name="convective_precipitation_flux")
>>> ds = xr.Dataset(
...     {
...         "temperature": (dims, temp, temp_attr),
...         "precipitation": (dims, precip, precip_attr),
...     },
...     coords={
...         "lon": (["x", "y"], lon),
...         "lat": (["x", "y"], lat),
...         "time": pd.date_range("2014-09-06", periods=3),
...         "reference_time": pd.Timestamp("2014-09-05"),
...     },
... )
>>> # Get variables matching a specific standard_name.
>>> ds.filter_by_attrs(standard_name="convective_precipitation_flux")
Dimensions:         (time: 3, x: 2, y: 2)
    lon             (x, y) float64 -99.83 -99.32 -99.79 -99.23
    lat             (x, y) float64 42.25 42.21 42.63 42.59
  * time            (time) datetime64[ns] 2014-09-06 2014-09-07 2014-09-08
    reference_time  datetime64[ns] 2014-09-05
Dimensions without coordinates: x, y
Data variables:
    precipitation   (x, y, time) float64 5.68 9.256 0.7104 ... 7.992 4.615 7.805
>>> # Get all variables that have a standard_name attribute.
>>> standard_name = lambda v: v is not None
>>> ds.filter_by_attrs(standard_name=standard_name)
Dimensions:         (time: 3, x: 2, y: 2)
    lon             (x, y) float64 -99.83 -99.32 -99.79 -99.23
    lat             (x, y) float64 42.25 42.21 42.63 42.59
  * time            (time) datetime64[ns] 2014-09-06 2014-09-07 2014-09-08
    reference_time  datetime64[ns] 2014-09-05
Dimensions without coordinates: x, y
Data variables:
    temperature     (x, y, time) float64 29.11 18.2 22.83 ... 18.28 16.15 26.63
    precipitation   (x, y, time) float64 5.68 9.256 0.7104 ... 7.992 4.615 7.805