Getting Help

Getting Help#

Navigating the wealth of resources available for Xarray can be overwhelming. We’ve created this flow chart to help guide you towards the best way to get help, depending on what you’re working towards. The links to each resource are provided below the diagram. Regardless of how you interact with us, we’re always thrilled to hear from you!

        flowchart TD
    intro[Welcome to Xarray! How can we help?]:::quesNodefmt
    usage(["fa:fa-chalkboard-user Xarray Tutorials
        fab:fa-readme Xarray Docs
        fab:fa-google Google/fab:fa-stack-overflow Stack Exchange
        fa:fa-robot Ask AI/a Language Learning Model (LLM)"]):::ansNodefmt
    API([fab:fa-readme Xarray Docs
        fab:fa-readme extension's docs]):::ansNodefmt
    help([fab:fa-github Xarray Discussions
        fab:fa-discord Xarray Discord
        fa:fa-users Xarray Office Hours
        fa:fa-globe Pangeo Discourse]):::ansNodefmt
    bug([Report and Propose here:
        fab:fa-github Xarray Issues]):::ansNodefmt
    contrib([fa:fa-book-open Xarray Contributor's Guide]):::ansNodefmt
    pr(["fab:fa-github Pull Request (PR)"]):::ansNodefmt
    dev([fab:fa-github Comment on your PR
        fa:fa-users Developer's Meeting]):::ansNodefmt
    report[Thanks for letting us know!]:::quesNodefmt
    merged[fa:fa-hands-clapping Your PR was merged.
        Thanks for contributing to Xarray!]:::quesNodefmt

    intro -->|How do I use Xarray?| usage
    usage -->|"with extensions (like Dask)"| API

    usage -->|I'd like some more help| help
    intro -->|I found a bug| bug
    intro -->|I'd like to make a small change| contrib
    subgraph bugcontrib[Bugs and Contributions]
        bug -->|I just wanted to tell you| report
        bug<-->|I'd like to fix the bug!| contrib
        pr -->|my PR was approved| merged

    intro -->|I wish Xarray could...| bug

    pr <-->|my PR is quiet| dev
    contrib -->pr

    classDef quesNodefmt fill:#9DEEF4,stroke:#206C89

    classDef ansNodefmt fill:#FFAA05,stroke:#E37F17

    classDef boxfmt fill:#FFF5ED,stroke:#E37F17
    class bugcontrib boxfmt

    linkStyle default font-size:20pt,color:#206C89