

DataArray.str.rsplit(dim, sep=None, maxsplit=-1)[source]#

Split strings in a DataArray around the given separator/delimiter sep.

Splits the string in the DataArray from the end, at the specified delimiter string.

If sep is array-like, it is broadcast against the array and applied elementwise.

  • dim (hashable or None) – Name for the dimension to place the results in. If None, place the results as list elements in an object DataArray

  • sep (str, default: None) – String to split on. If None (the default), split on any whitespace. If array-like, it is broadcast.

  • maxsplit (int, default: -1) – Limit number of splits in output, starting from the end. If -1 (the default), return all splits. The final number of split values may be less than this if there are no DataArray elements with that many values.


rsplitted (same type as values or object array)


Create a string DataArray

>>> values = xr.DataArray(
...     [
...         ["abc def", "spam\t\teggs\tswallow", "red_blue"],
...         ["test0\ntest1\ntest2\n\ntest3", "", "abra  ka\nda\tbra"],
...     ],
...     dims=["X", "Y"],
... )

Split once and put the results in a new dimension

>>> values.str.rsplit(dim="splitted", maxsplit=1)
<xarray.DataArray (X: 2, Y: 3, splitted: 2)> Size: 816B
array([[['abc', 'def'],
        ['spam\t\teggs', 'swallow'],
        ['', 'red_blue']],

       [['test0\ntest1\ntest2', 'test3'],
        ['', ''],
        ['abra  ka\nda', 'bra']]], dtype='<U17')
Dimensions without coordinates: X, Y, splitted

Split as many times as needed and put the results in a new dimension

>>> values.str.rsplit(dim="splitted")
<xarray.DataArray (X: 2, Y: 3, splitted: 4)> Size: 768B
array([[['', '', 'abc', 'def'],
        ['', 'spam', 'eggs', 'swallow'],
        ['', '', '', 'red_blue']],

       [['test0', 'test1', 'test2', 'test3'],
        ['', '', '', ''],
        ['abra', 'ka', 'da', 'bra']]], dtype='<U8')
Dimensions without coordinates: X, Y, splitted

Split once and put the results in lists

>>> values.str.rsplit(dim=None, maxsplit=1)
<xarray.DataArray (X: 2, Y: 3)> Size: 48B
array([[list(['abc', 'def']), list(['spam\t\teggs', 'swallow']),
       [list(['test0\ntest1\ntest2', 'test3']), list([]),
        list(['abra  ka\nda', 'bra'])]], dtype=object)
Dimensions without coordinates: X, Y

Split as many times as needed and put the results in a list

>>> values.str.rsplit(dim=None)
<xarray.DataArray (X: 2, Y: 3)> Size: 48B
array([[list(['abc', 'def']), list(['spam', 'eggs', 'swallow']),
       [list(['test0', 'test1', 'test2', 'test3']), list([]),
        list(['abra', 'ka', 'da', 'bra'])]], dtype=object)
Dimensions without coordinates: X, Y

Split only on spaces

>>> values.str.rsplit(dim="splitted", sep=" ")
<xarray.DataArray (X: 2, Y: 3, splitted: 3)> Size: 2kB
array([[['', 'abc', 'def'],
        ['', '', 'spam\t\teggs\tswallow'],
        ['', '', 'red_blue']],

       [['', '', 'test0\ntest1\ntest2\n\ntest3'],
        ['', '', ''],
        ['abra', '', 'ka\nda\tbra']]], dtype='<U24')
Dimensions without coordinates: X, Y, splitted