Required dependencies#
Optional dependencies#
If you are using pip to install xarray, optional dependencies can be installed by specifying extras. Instructions for both pip and conda are given below.
For netCDF and IO#
netCDF4: recommended if you want to use xarray for reading or writing netCDF files
scipy: used as a fallback for reading/writing netCDF3
pydap: used as a fallback for accessing OPeNDAP
h5netcdf: an alternative library for reading and writing netCDF4 files that does not use the netCDF-C libraries
zarr: for chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays.
cftime: recommended if you want to encode/decode datetimes for non-standard calendars or dates before year 1678 or after year 2262.
iris: for conversion to and from iris’ Cube objects
For accelerating xarray#
scipy: necessary to enable the interpolation features for xarray objects
bottleneck: speeds up NaN-skipping and rolling window aggregations by a large factor
numbagg: for exponential rolling window operations
For parallel computing#
dask.array: required for Parallel Computing with Dask.
For plotting#
matplotlib: required for Plotting
seaborn: for better color palettes
nc-time-axis: for plotting cftime.datetime objects
Alternative data containers#
Minimum dependency versions#
Xarray adopts a rolling policy regarding the minimum supported version of its dependencies:
This means the latest minor (X.Y) version from N months prior. Patch versions (x.y.Z) are not pinned, and only the latest available at the moment of publishing the xarray release is guaranteed to work.
You can see the actual minimum tested versions:
Xarray itself is a pure Python package, but its dependencies are not. The easiest way to get everything installed is to use conda. To install xarray with its recommended dependencies using the conda command line tool:
$ conda install -c conda-forge xarray dask netCDF4 bottleneck
If you require other Optional dependencies add them to the line above.
We recommend using the community maintained conda-forge channel, as some of the dependencies are difficult to build. New releases may also appear in conda-forge before being updated in the default channel.
If you don’t use conda, be sure you have the required dependencies (numpy and pandas) installed first. Then, install xarray with pip:
$ python -m pip install xarray
We also maintain other dependency sets for different subsets of functionality:
$ python -m pip install "xarray[io]" # Install optional dependencies for handling I/O
$ python -m pip install "xarray[accel]" # Install optional dependencies for accelerating xarray
$ python -m pip install "xarray[parallel]" # Install optional dependencies for dask arrays
$ python -m pip install "xarray[viz]" # Install optional dependencies for visualization
$ python -m pip install "xarray[complete]" # Install all the above
The above commands should install most of the optional dependencies. However,
some packages which are either not listed on PyPI or require extra
installation steps are excluded. To know which dependencies would be
installed, take a look at the [project.optional-dependencies]
section in
accel = ["scipy", "bottleneck", "numbagg", "numba>=0.54", "flox", "opt_einsum"]
complete = ["xarray[accel,etc,io,parallel,viz]"]
dev = [
io = ["netCDF4", "h5netcdf", "scipy", 'pydap; python_version<"3.10"', "zarr", "fsspec", "cftime", "pooch"]
etc = ["sparse"]
parallel = ["dask[complete]"]
viz = ["cartopy", "matplotlib", "nc-time-axis", "seaborn"]
Documentation = ""
SciPy2015-talk = ""
homepage = ""
issue-tracker = ""
source-code = ""
dask = "xarray.namedarray.daskmanager:DaskManager"
Development versions#
To install the most recent development version, install from github:
$ python -m pip install git+
or from TestPyPI:
$ python -m pip install --index-url --extra-index-url --pre xarray
To run the test suite after installing xarray, install (via pypi or conda) py.test and run pytest
in the root directory of the xarray
Performance Monitoring#
To run these benchmark tests in a local machine, first install
airspeed-velocity: a tool for benchmarking Python packages over their lifetime.
and run
asv run # this will install some conda environments in ./.asv/envs